Photo above by Dave Castro

Hello! My Name is Ryder Alves. I am from Oxnard, CA. I am a self taught photographer/videographer. I received my love for shooting from my Father and Grandfather who both loved shooting film back when they were younger. It wasn't hard to get into this expensive hobby / now career of mine. Living in such a diverse area, from the ocean to the mountains, we have a ton of subjects to point the camera at. With the area being so diverse comes a lot of fun hobbies I like to include myself in. Such as surfing, spearfishing, fishing, skating, snow, camping, dirt bikes... The list goes on and on.. With that being said, having dabbled my own two cents into so many activities, it's fun to take them on with a whole new set of challenges. Video and photo do just that. Surfing has been my bread and butter since I was a young grom. Growing up on the stretch of coast I grew up on, its inevitable. When our beaches are on.. its world class. I love getting barreled almost more than anything on this planet. It is one of the most beautiful sites there is to see. I think there are very few things that make a surfer feel better than getting really barreled. Coming with my background of being a surfer I think it has allowed me to appreciate everything that much more. Surfing doesn't come easy. You spend many hours practicing, and staring at the horizon waiting for the best wave. Not to mention the years it took just to learn how to properly stand up and go down the line. With all those years creates an insane amount of patience and gratitude. Not to say I am the most patient person ever, but I sure am grateful when I get a good wave. With how much I scream and yell in stoke, You'd think I was 12 years old if you didn't know me. With the patience and gratitude lessons I have learned from surfing, I think its transferred beautifully into life itself. The littlest things can bring such a great joy to me, especially when spent out doors. I am extremely intrigued and impressed by this world and the beauty we are surrounded by. I hope I can one day make a positive impact on this planet, as much as its made a positive impact on me.

Kelp bed nap